Thursday, February 14, 2008

scooters, vacation, fall

Labels for this post are not exactly random, eh? Scooters need to be cheaper.
They shouldn't be relegated to vacation runabouts. Myself, I rented a scooter in Vancouver and within minutes I had lost my balance turning at about 3 km/h and gently laid the thing down, costing me $150 and wrecking my fun. That fall was due to my lack of skill, and that lack of skill is clearly due to the cost of scooters!

If we had cheaper scooters and small motorized bikes available, perhaps we'd opt for downsizing more often. As it stands, a Vespa is thousands of dollars and much more of a car rather than a common person's commuter. Check out China, India, Europe. They have lots of choices in scooters and lots of people use them. More inexpensive but good quality scooters and people will stop falling off them during summer vacations!

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