Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Iphone network cloud app
The Good Virus
Then it started happening more rapidly, consistently, thoroughly, lovingly.
The idea of discovering my right livelihood and it not being hokey. That there really is a false veil of Matrix complexity that acts like a fog of morphine. That we're interconnected for real.
As I deliberately pick up the gauntlet and settle in as a lifecycle energy consultant, I simply can't continue seeing life any other way. I began to have a Hope that outpaced Fear, permanently. I see I have (blissfully, thankfully) no choice. All my energy and resource consumption is intimately and directly connected to everyone else's.
All my networks blur into one. All my nodes form an interwoven web of influence and support.
Without doubt, I see (personally) the very fabric of the world I inhabit, and how that fabric can be altered with and for, Love.
All my formerly secret theories overlapped and then were transcended, leaving only the experience of the present as reality.
My friends and family instantly become glowing lanterns by which I can see in the darkest night. My wife glows radiantly, lovingly as I see her for who she truly is. My father comes almost literally back to life before my eyes as I connect more and more deeply with my mother and siblings.
Realizing that we're All siblings, the good virus spreads and we all get a touch of the flu, forcing us all to step back from our daily routines to reevaluate our position and speed as we spin around the universe.
I'm just passing on my collective knowledge chunk as I become aware of my certain and timely passing. We'll all do the same whether we intend to or not, so I want to be intentional about it.
My daughter is asleep in her crib and when she wakes up, I'm ready. Ready to share this beautiful world with her.
Finallly, permanently, I realize my father would be proud of me, that he always was. I got the message, Dad. Thanks. I love you too.
Sent from my iPhone