USA companies should send out a request for bids on products that they are thinking of sending the manufacturing abroad. Give our labor sector a chance to do the work. It might be that they can't do it as cheaply but we ought to give them a shot.
I see way too many broken (or still working but ugly) home stereos lying forlorn on the side of the road. Its a tragedy. I want a service that recycles stereos with the same vigor that we apply to computer recycling. Awww snap!
I think people should all have a room in their house that has a trampoline floor. It's just good policy. Ceilings will have to be different. Insurance plicies will have to change. Neck braces will suddenly be cheaper...
For sure this is on its way. Touch screen + music = drum pad pod. I want to tap out beats as I listen to music on the iPod. No, I NEED to tap out beats that are...Sent from my iPhone