I am thinking the following thoughts:
- should I talk about my giving up a bunch of bad habits in my blog
- call me if you want to actually know which ones
- is it okay to be happy and not to show it outwardly?
- yes it is
- is "enlightenment" really the final obstacle to enlightenment?
- duh
- every time you take a hot shower, consider it a baptism, and remember how freaking lucky you are to get a) a shower stall that is your own b) water that you can freaking drink c) HOT water. There's more, but holy crap that's plenty to be thankful for.
- seriously. People praise {∞} for food all the time, but best be thanking your Stars you can take hot showers, people.
- lately all the proverbial wisdom I thought "someday I hope to understand that stuff" is actually making some sense (one day at a time, let go and let {∞}, a stitch in time saves nine, go with the flow, etc.)
- okay, the stitch one I still don't get.
- my idea for {∞} will have a hard time taking off since I have to hit so many keys to type it out!
- but it's still a great idea. Seriously. Who else (lately) has a Grand Unified Theory in physics that includes religion, love, and community, but also has its own icon? Send me their links!
- lists of things seem easier to read than huge bungly paragraphs?
- I know, bungly isn't a word. Yes, lists are boss. Outline format for blogging? Super-Boss.
- single parents are mostly heros, it's friggin hard to parent a baby by yourself, even for a few hours!
- I love my wife and daughter for reals, and appreciate my wife a snick-ton.
- I missed Green Fest 08, but my wife was sick. I was glad to stay home, actually, because I got a chance to take my baby out for two walks in the neighborhood, soaking up the excellent warm sunshine.
- I'm planning on meeting the people I wanted to meet at Green Fest, only in person and for more than 2 minutes.
- my life is going stupendously, and always has been. With or without my knowledge, things were unfolding as they should.
- it really is. I'm technically drowning in blessings again. Call me for more details, or text my iPhone, yo. Crap. Did I just say that?
- yes, you did.
- What the heck is wrong with this outline formatting? Every new indentation gives me a #1? Double Crap.
- It's not even a Roman numeral! I'll get over it.
- Love is all you need.