Saturday, August 18, 2012

Version 0.9, ABC's 12 Suggestions

Here is my last revision:

12. Music Enveloping, iPadding, app and performance pieces
11. Climbing Gym Coat, Home Playground, Home Hacking channel
10. ABC Consulting & Clown services 9. Co-op iPad application like meetup
8. The Playground Fund tax shelter for local playground investment (and sweat equity)
7. Big Funiversity indoor play-space Co-Op LLC or 501c3
6. Kilowatt Dollar transition based on 2012 USD$.
5. Neighborhood Energy Savings and Loan
4. Higgs Boson Peace Proposal
3. World Prosperity via district & regional resource cooperatives
2. End all (capital) killing.
1. Absolute Equality and Responsibility of Personhood
